Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Eli "Firetruck" Potts

Eli is growing up.  He still loves anything with wheels and loves to ride his tractor, as a matter of fact one of his favorite things to do is "cut the grass" on his tractor while following his dad who is on the actual lawn mower.  He gets so nasty and covered with dirt that all you can see is his little eyes shining through the blanket of dust covering him (Mom gets to bathe him).  Being the baby he always seems to fall in line behind Ellie and Ethan and just go along with whatever they are doing but this summer he has gotten to be on his very own t-ball team with no help from big bro or big sis.  He has done better than I thought, at first I didn't think he would participate because I couldn't go out there with him, but he has done it with no problem except for one incident where he wanted a hot dog and refused to take his turn at bat until he got one (I stuck to my guns, he never got the hot dog, of course he never went to bat either).    Here in the past few days he has surprised me by learning to swim.  Last summer I could not get him off the ladder of the pool but this year I put his arm floaties on, put him in the center of the pool, and told him if he wanted me he had to swim to me.  After 15 minutes of screaming he finally did it and then two days later he is jumping off the side of the pool and going under water, go figure!!  A few weeks ago he told me that he has changed his name to "firetruck", I wonder why? His daddy kind of likes those big red trucks with the sirens too.  Oh and his favorite catch phrases these days are "is that cool?" and "how bout that!".  Just wanted to catch ya'll up on the baby, who will be 4 in just a few weeks.  I can't believe how time goes by so fast.